17 Carpenter Ave.
Stoney Creek, ON
Call Now Fast Service
905 531 3380
Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm

Trusted HVAC/R & Refrigeration

Klima HVAC/R Solution Ltd. Has taken pride in providing customers with superior service. We set high standards for excellence, efficiency and punctuality in order to maintain our reputation as the “Heating & Cooling Specialist,” and pride ourselves in being the best. By specializing in HVAC services Klima stays ahead of the competition with an ongoing commitment to training, superior customer service and remaining abreast of HVAC technology. At Klima we treat every customer as if they were our only customer.

Call 1-800-123-456 anytime & 100% satisfaction guaranteed!



Whether at home or at work, we believe a comfortable environment helps relieve the stresses of a busy lifestyle.


We strive to show customer appreciation by delivering quality work and top notch service. We don't treat our clients as customers, we treat them as family.


We offer only tried, tested and reliable equipment. Reliable equipment and service saves everyone money in the long run.


All of our technicians are certified HVAC/R to service and install a wide variety of equipment. We take knowledge and training seriously in our ongoing mission to keep our expert status.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Klima HVAC/R Soultions is a family-owned and operated. We know our existence depends on those of you who support us and we want to Thank You! The highest compliment we receive is the trust in your referral and we truly appreciate your support!


We guarantee all jobs to be quoted and completed in a timely manner. We are comfortable only when you are.

Customer Satisfaction

No jobs will be fully billed until our customers are completely satisfied. No customer is left behind.

Payment Options

We accept most major credit cards, e-transfers, ans debit. We also offer payment plans through Vista Financing OAC.